Knowledge Wisdom Is Power, Power Cannot Be Free

Knowledge Wisdom Is Power, Power Cannot Be Free

Knowledge, wisdom is power.
Do you receive the power from electric for free in your life or you have to paid for it ?

But guess what ?
All the rulers, readers from all nations want FREE knowledge, wisdom, solution that can help their nation become RICHER without paying anything.
RICHER here are richer wealth, money, finance, richer about jobs, richer about citizens level.

How stupid and idiots ?

I the Savior do have that kind of knowledge, wisdom to help any nation but none of them want it, none of them willing to even talk to me but only want me giving out for free.
I just don’t get it.

I do not sell products like others.
I only take reward if my “cure/solution information” can help you and your nation.

Why people keep dreaming and want everything for free but do not want a fair trade/exchange with others, especially the important one ?!

I just don’t get it, I only wonder are they even human with normal mindset or not ?!

Thank You,
The Savior

The Final Episode Of The Savior’s GCR Event Solution Will Be The End

The Final Episode Of The Savior’s GCR Event Solution Will Be The End

If you treat of all my solutions, ideas that related to the global currency reset event then they are just some small “episode” in a big movie or tv series.

I the Savior can tell/reveal with you that: the final episode is the very special one and will the be final conclusion.

Some high level beings already “knew” and understand it based on all of my previous information I have shared but most of you do not !

There is only 1 final episode left.

But I still unable to decide when, where, how I release that greatest episode that will 100% current current world chaos and the currency war between nations.

Support me if you can to fasten the releasing process.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name

I The Savior Will Release The Divine World Solution If Receive 5780 Gram Of Gold

I The Savior Will Release The Divine World Solution If Receive 5780 Gram Of Gold

The plan A is receiving direct talk/support from the authority/government worldwide.
But it seems nobody care for whatever reasons.

So the plan B is seeking help/support from the public people & neutral entities.

I have decide to take a big risk, a big gambling of releasing the Divine World Peace Solution if receiving 5780 Gram Of Gold.
And I will decide everything from of which nation(s), how that will appear to the public society without any agreement with any government.

As of this writing: 1 gram of Gold = 91 USD or 88 Euro.
So 5780 Gram of Gold = 525,980 USD or 508,640 Euro.

That is the number I think I can comfortable to take risk.
In plan A I accept the no-money option but in the plan B, I just cannot because nobody willing to talk with me directly (tried).

I accept the financial support via both traditional way of bank transfer or new way of crypto:
+ For bank transfer: contact me privately to obtain the account info.
+ For cryptocurrency:
BTC: bc1qnnf7nleahae2lc67qdrftwnx5vpexgp0xeskcp .
ETH: 0x378e5e2D8011Ad5496AC3564F2bF120435384f6A .
LTC: ltc1qkxxzygk4aq5fu907g78wmxpww7xfl2cuys22dx .
DOGE: D8YTz74zAkSssjdjVj3NMLm5RzHz2k7cur .
DASH: XrdoPgcnnMijMQ6TL8UBfgrfeX9Ky9e33F .

No specific deadline but should be within the next 10 days only.
Money only counted if I cashout to my bank account so if you are late, any kind of financial support after that deadline are pointless.

I do not have much time to wait the useless eaters group anymore.

Many entities have spent trillions money for war, chaos and non-sense projects.
My requirement is only less than 1 million USD/EURO.

That is for the read-only solution/information only.

Everything have it law and order, I the Savior have my own standard as well too.

If you do not respect the higher level beings like me then do not expect to receive anything in return from me as well.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name 
The God Of Gods 
The King Of Kings

I The Savior Wish There Is An Intelligent Fight Battle Till Dead Between The Best Guys

I The Savior Wish There Is An Intelligent Fight Battle Till Dead Between The Best Guys

Want to fasten world peace ?
There is an in-direct way to encourage it.

Put an intelligent fight battle till dead with big reward and big punishment.

Winning condition: able to find the working solution to end current war chaos that satisfy all nations, leaders, rulers both in the public and shadow.

Reward: 10,000,000 ton of Gold and 1000 wish (any volunteer donation from all others) and the title “the smartest guys on Earth last 10000 years”.

Punishment: dead.

Who allow to join this great battle ?
All people who think they are the smartest guys in this current game of life.

Sound fun and interesting ?
Just make that kind of battle, contest, competition then I the real Savior Messiah will show you my ultimate talent !

Now frankly, I do not feel and do not comfortable to release anything.

Anyway, if you know any private or public contest/competition with big bounty reward about world peace, ending current war chaos then let me know too.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Want To Finish The Global Currency Reset Event Then Contact Me The Savior Now

Want To Finish The Global Currency Reset Event Then Contact Me The Savior Now

There are a lot of money and entities are involved in this special Global Currency Reset event for around 10-20 years already but still without success.

I the Savior (Messiah Buddha whatever name) have finally found the divine cure, the final full correct information/solution for the Global Currency Reset event that will guaranteed satisfy all nations.
Beyond money matter, new way of economy, new way of human management, that all I can tell you.

You whoever doing the jobs related to the Global Currency Reset event better contact me the Savior immediately now to finish everything once and for all.

Stop waste more time, more money, money energy.

I want a real connection, a comfortable releasing time for this final sacred information that I call as Divine World Peace Solution.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name

The FED, Central Banks Will Lose Their Power Once My Divine World Solution Release

The FED, Central Banks Will Lose Their Power Once My Divine World Solution Release

Another day, another hint about my divine world peace solution.

FED the Federal Reserve System of the USA and all central banks around the world will lose their monopoly power very soon if my divine world peace solution release to the public people in this society/civilization.

Of course I am not going to destroy or replace the FED or central bank with a new one but there will be a new way of economy, new way of finance, new way of living with common sense that never seen before.

Sound fund, sound interesting ?!

Due to the sensitive, I cannot release it now. I just cannot release these kind of information without official request/support from any entity from this civilization.

If you want to know that secret, that divine wisdom then support me and meet my personal requirement standard so that I the Savior can release that sacred information/solution to all of you.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name

The Real GCR Event Is More Like A Big Upgrade Evolution World Financial System

The Real GCR Event Is More Like A Big Upgrade Evolution World Financial System

There won’t be a big reset about the GCR (global currency reset) event but more like a big upgrade evolution of the world financial system to give nations better chance to survive and bring a same level of playing field as fair as possible.

All are done in my mind already, just need an official request to unleash everything.

All of my solutions, ideas so far related to this great world financial system evolution/upgrade event are just the draft mode, not the final one and still unable to use yet. I the Savior waiting for an official invitation from the authority (military, government).

In my mind, that new system will be very fair and balance and all nations will love it for sure (expect the current “winner” one).

If you want to fasten the releasing process then support me as much as you can.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name

Without Official Request, It Is Impossible For Me The Savior To Release World Solution

Without Official Request, It Is Impossible For Me The Savior To Release World Solution

Life is very complicated.
You should only do thing that help/benefit you and the world in your own personal standard.

I The Savior was trying to “foresee” the future in various of how I will release the Divine World Peace Cure Solution but so far non is acceptable.

Why nobody, no any nation/entity (especially the one in the war) make official request to me the Savior ?
Do they really thing the Messiah God are like other low level Gods Deities who only seeking “follower, member” and will give them free help ?!
If that the case then they are completely wrong because I the Messiah God only help those who want to help and have able to open their mouth to ask/request for solution.

There are both “good” and “bad” entities Gods in this society exist.
My personal experience is telling that all.
While even the elite group of the technology team refused to pay me the promised debt of little money then how the hell you can trust others ?

Which mean now if I even release the read-only divine world peace solution, my hard works could be stolen by the evil entities and claim their own.

Or my personal communication contact could be stolen by the corrupt government as well.
How you can sure the one who you will contact is the real person who create/made the divine world peace solution via email talk or phone talk without meeting them in real physical person ? It is just impossible with the mortal human group.

For all of that reasons I extremely want an official request and a physical in-person meeting with entity (especially the authority Government) and I will reveal the divine world peace solution at that meeting.

As much as I want to finish and conclude everything after my 8 years hard works but I the Savior legend have my personal standard and requirement as well.

Logical common sense thinking: no.
Personal feeling: no.

Then it is just impossible for me to release the Divine World Peace Solution to this society without an official request for any entity from this civilization.

If you really want end current world chaos or want to help you nation then talk with me directly with serious.

Stop follow/listen all those stupid fortune teller or spiritual performers but live with common sense and objective.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name
The God Of Gods
The King Of Kings

The New Divine World Financial System Is Done, Ready To Share With Worthy Entity

The New Divine World Financial System Is Done, Ready To Share With Worthy Entity

The new and “old stone” divine world financial system is done and finished by me the Savior Messiah Buddha whatever name.

I the Savior have done it.
That new divine world financial system is bring equally to all sides, all team in the most fair way, both the “rich” or “poor” resources nation, “stupid” or “smart” entities will be on a same level of playing field.

Money, financial matter won’t be the factor that can restrict your nation create local jobs.

Of course, that new Divine World Financial System is a brand new one that I never shared/revealed before.

Due to the sensitive of the information, I the Savior can only share it with worthy entity in private mode, now I don’t see any reason to share it in public mode yet.

It is very special one that will satisfy all nations for sure.

If you want to know that new divine world financial system information (read only model/version), then contact me the Savior directly, but whether I will share with you or not, it is totally up to you and my personal feeling, first come first serve, no censorship anything.

Contact me quick before too late since I will stop in near future.
You can find my contact information in my blog/website/forum (vision bodhi . com).

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name 
The God Of Gods 
The King Of Kings

I The Savior Finally Found A Perfect Tactic To Defeat The “Evil Greed”, “Money Beast”

Updated: Read Only – The New World Most Fair Economy Financial System Complex By The Savior Messiah Buddha

Due to the sensitive of the information/document, I cannot share it for free directly but must using password to protect the document.

You can either “decode” the password by yourself or contact me directly in limited time to obtain the document.

You should send this email/message to all high level entities from military industry complex to other higher level entities who really care about the Global Currency Reset Event or just want to end the current world chaos.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

P/S: Just send it to many high profile emails.

File Download Link:

The New World Most Fair Economy Financial System Complex By The Savior Messiah Buddha

Done via hand written few hours ago.

Due to the sensitive of the information, I cannot reveal it for free online even in the read-only mode because it is “above military grade” information.

Whoever read this top notch information will receive tremendous power even just read-only (no need to using).
Therefore, I can only share this godlike level document to beings entities who contact me directly.

So I hope all of you can understand it.

Contact me directly if you want to see the document as soon as possible before I fully gone offline.

Updated: Read Only – The New World Most Fair Economy Financial System Complex By The Savior Messiah Buddha

Due to the sensitive of the information/document, I cannot share it for free directly but must using password to protect the document.

You can either “decode” the password by yourself or contact me directly in limited time to obtain the document.

You should send this email/message to all high level entities from military industry complex to other higher level entities who really care about the Global Currency Reset Event or just want to end the current world chaos.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

P/S: Just send it to many high profile emails.

File Download Link:

I Am Going To Shutdown Everything, All Projects In Next Several Days Due To Extreme Situation

I Am Going To Shutdown Everything, All Projects In Next Several Days Due To Extreme Situation

What is the point of continue try to help other strangers if you cannot even help your own family members ?

What is the point of continue works without receiving fair things in return ?

I have decide going to shutdown everything, all projects in the next several days (if do not receive the money I needed).

I have finished and done what I could to help this entire civilization in normal way.

Whoever rejected/ing me will going to face the consequence .

Don’t want to fight with low level being but now I must fight all without mercy.

Thank You,

The Savior Messiah Buddha
Vision Bodhi

No Any Nations, Persons, Beings, Groups, Entities Are Safe From Now !

No Any Nations, Persons, Beings, Groups, Entities Are Safe From Now !

No more time, no more waiting, no more patience.

From now: no any nations, persons, beings, groups, entities are safe from total collapse destruction and dead !

Check your secret “orbs” of destiny quick !

Bunch of idiots useless eaters leaders.

To super God team: enter the battle !

If talk do not work then must action !

No more mercy !

The Savior Messiah Buddha
The Lord Of Lords
The King Of Kings

There Are Only 2 Currency Types: Asset Currency & Intelligence Fiat Money Currency

There Are Only 2 Currency Types: Asset Currency & Intelligence Fiat Money Currency

Currency war is a big issue but how many people really know and understand about currency ?

The truth is all the current national fiat money such as USD, Euro, GBP, Rub, Yuan, Yen, Won, Rupee, etc. are all the so called “intelligence currency” type.
Which mean it was created by human intelligence.

Another type of currency in real life is physical asset of gold, silver, copper, etc. These currency already exist and appeared a long time ago.

No matter what you are argue, or matter what any secret deal/rule you may have such as asset backed, high level programming software, etc. It just cannot change the fact that there are only 2 type of currency: “intelligence fiat money currency” vs “real physical asset currency”, nothing else !

What is “intelligence currency” ?
It is just “made by human mindset” currency, no more no less.

Can you know what “fiat money currency” is better, smarter than another “fiat money currency” ?
Absolutely no, you just cannot because it is just the ideology. So no matter who is the creator of that “intelligence fiat money currency”, you just cannot know who is “smarter” or “more stupid” than others through fiat money currency.

But what is primary of currency ?
For trading, nothing else.

Without getting accepted for business transaction, all the “intelligence fiat money currency” are worthless, that is the fact !

Why national government must accept and allow the private Capitalism Currency ?
– Because there is current on-going currency war happening and all the current existing “intelligence currency” cannot solve the issue, which mean these currencies are “not smart enough”. By allowing the private sectors to create new “intelligence fiat money currency”, you may find out the working solution for that big problem.
It is better to have a potential hope, a potential working solution rather than continue waiting and fighting till total destruction.

– It is going to increase the creative level & intelligence of the public people because now they have to think more about currency, which one should they “choose”, which one they need to “invest”.

– Only via real life competition, you can know what “intelligence fiat money currency” is better than others with real products services because the “better” one is the one who get accepted by the sellers. It is a real democracy society with a real fair competition for all.

– It could make high level beings such as God(s), Angels, Deities to help the people in direct way. You may have a new currency made by God and you may have a new sacred information like the Bible, Quran book because God is fair and maybe do not like the any current existing national fiat money but want to offer sacred wisdom/information through his/her own currency. You will never know but that is a huge potential.

It is risk free solution to try, this civilization have nothing more to lost with the current endless deadly war across the globe already.

All the talk, ideology are pointless and cannot lead to world peace.

That is the truth of life.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Understanding The Winning Conditions For Any New Currency

Understanding The Winning Conditions For Any New Currency

If you want people get accept and using your new currency then you must understanding the basic winning conditions in this game of life.

There are a lot of stupid people who are creating and making cryptocurrencies with just purpose of “manipulating” others for personal quick gain which is just terrible.

In order for any new currency become popular, the conditions are very simple: get accepted by the product service creators/owners. The higher quality of that product service, the better. The quantity only playing a smaller role.

Example: all I need for my digital stone rock currency go viral and be popular is “somehow” persuade all the Gold sellers only accept my digital stone rock currency but do not accept any other currencies !

Which mean the “monopoly” currency for a super high quality product service.

Of course it is close to impossible for that example become reality but I am just to make a clear example to help you understand of what I am trying to talking about.

All other metrics and factors are close to pointless, it is all about new unique product service that have high quality.

Another example:
What if a new Bible book created by God appear but only accept my digital stone rock currency. Then without the need of any advertising, my stone rock currency will become popular like the EURO, USD, Rub, etc. and will become get accept by many businesses for sure.

Which mean 1 single product can make a currency go from “zero” to “hero” without any kind of marking, promoting, how crazy is that ?

I am going to tell you this: you could witness that special moment very soon with my new special super personal development evolution social platform.

In conclusion, the quality of product service that accept currency that is matter the most, focus on making new unique high quality goods services if you want your currency become popular.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

I Can Only Create The Super Personal Development Evolution Platform With Investment

I Can Only Create The Super Personal Development Evolution Platform With Investment

Life is not only about money and wealth.
This toxic society are too focus on those things but completely forget about what matter the most in life is personal development evolution (or ascension, etc.).
That topic is beyond spiritual subject because it is about everything especially “how to make you become smarter, more intelligent”.

At this moment, there is absolutely no any specific platform for that unique niche.

The truth is even if high level beings like God (s), deities, angel, high level person want to talk, to give you advice for your life, they just cannot do because lack of platform, lack of method, lack of connection.

And I am telling you this: the requirement and standard of those super beings/entities are super high.
They will check various factors before decide to join any platform in secret such as: who is the original creator of platform, who is the original creator of the currency that using in the platform and whether that currency fair or not, obtain “legit” or not, etc.

For choose people they decide to help, to talk with: they know everything, their level above the military group and even above the top neutral referee group as well, they will choose people with moral and respect others, not the denial ignorance who refuse to support me for sure.

Since I am a very high level God, I know their requirement and standard very well. It is easy for me to create that new super personal development evolution social platform that help God(s), Saints, Deities to talk, to help, to give advice directly to beings who need new advice, sacred words, to help them evolve to higher level.

But I cannot do it alone without any kind of investment and resources !
Because that is a very complex project that need money to make it serious.

So if any of you want to see that super personal evolution platform for whatever reasons, then you MUST invest in my plan, my projects as soon as possible before too late. Because I personally have my own deadline and standard as well.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Nobody Can Know The Secret And Potential Of My Digital Stone Rock Currency

Nobody Can Know The Secret And Potential Of My Digital Stone Rock Currency

I am telling you this: there is a big secret about my digital stone rock currency that beyond your understanding and comprehension.

None of you able to foresee the potential of my digital stone rock currency.

That digital stone rock currency is designed by God and for God with other high level deities using to connect & help the stupid mortal humans in the direct communication and private secret way !

No matter what kind of helping time travel machines, tools, or whatever your level, you just cannot able to foresee the full potential yet since your level is no match for God team.

But I do not understand why none of you willing to invest in me and that sacred project. It is just a product service, not any kind of nuclear weapon !

By refusing investing in me and that sacred project, you only “self destroy” yourself, the high level deities/beings “knew” what was and is going on, it is just the matter of whether they decide to “act” or not !

Believe and trust me, only my digital stone rock currency can able to bring and help you connect with God(s) and high level beings/deities !

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Introducing New Moral Fair Currency Exchange Trading Platform

Introducing New Moral Fair Currency Exchange Trading Platform

Read Only

All of the current currency exchange now only focus on 1 thing which is money and wealth, which is not the way to do in a long run and especially in the new modern day.

There are a lot of people get affected because of the currency war.
We need a new better, fairer currency exchange trading platform to help the hard working people to receive what they deserve for their contribution to the society.

Here is the new model system:
There will 2 type of currency types: national fiat money (made by high level entity) and the new Private Capitalism currency (made by low level entity).

– Trading Mode 1: Normal mode
It is basically like all the current currency trading, which is based on supply demand rule that only focus on number but nothing else.

– Trading Mode 2: Business mode
All the businesses can use this platform to receive their “loss” because of the “exchange rate”, it is not guaranteed one but the chance is very high.

The business can choose to receive between either national fiat money currency or private capitalism money currency.

All they need is having a solid “proof” that they accept private capitalism currency, the price they sold to the customers with quantity, and that amount is below the current exchange rate on normal mode, thus they need some kind of “subsidy” to cover that difference.

But here is a fair trade: if they want to receive the fiat money then they must put their private currency, while if they want to receive private currency then they must put the fiat money on the table.

Then they need to wait for others to check and to help them.

10 EmeraldsGo = 10 USD on the market

But the business set 1 EmeraldsGo = 2 USD (for whatever reason) when selling to the customers.

So they lost 50% if trading with the public market rate.
They can either accept that lost or try the business mode to potential receive that deficit.

– Trading Mode 3: Blessing mode
All the people and entity who wish to receive the blessing will use this mode.
The blessing here could be either seen “money, wealth” or unseen “spiritual power”.

It is pretty similar to the business mode.
But here instead of business proof, people/entity need to show, to tell, to explain why they deserve that “blessing” from others, what they have done in their life, what they have contributed to the society, etc.

People can set 1 DiamondHand = 200
SGD or 10000 SGD or more.
But they need to sending proof, to explain why that is the “correct” trade.
The reasons could be various.

I strongly believe there will be a lot of good people and organizations willing to help those hard working people.

There are a lot of charity groups in this society who give away a lot of money to “lazy” people, so there is no reason for them to give even more money to the hard working people/businesses.

This new moral fair currency exchange trading platform will help the currency exchange rate become more stable, more fair, more balance.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

My New Private Capitalism Currency Is The Only Solution For This Civilization

My New Private Capitalism Currency Is The Only Solution For This Civilization

It is a very simple choice:
– If you want destroy this civilization: use cryptocurrency, use CBDC (central bank digital currency), use national fiat money based on natural resources with secret “not perfect” point system.

– If you want a better, high evolved civilization: use must allow and use my private Capitalism Currency concept (whatever name you want to called) where all people, all group have equal power to creat the currency they want, along with all current existing currency types..

It is a co-existing society system so you must respect other groups.
Because at the end of the day, currency is just currency. It is all about the product service creators, the buyers and the sellers.

Low level product service: low level currency.
High level product service: high level currency.

All buyer and seller have a choice to decide whether buy or not with whatever currency they want.

That is very simple.

I am a very high level God and I approve that ideology.

If you want to evolve, just accept, support and invest in that ideology !
If you want to continue level like animal, do not want to evolve to higher state, you can keep using the current stupid low level financial system !

Life will be better, you will be also become better if you give local community more choice.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Even The Current Financial System Are Not Perfect But Have Flaws, Not The Way Of Life

Even The Current Financial System Are Not Perfect But Have Flaws, Not The Way Of Life

There is no such thing as “perfection” when related to financial system.
Because it is up to each people ideology.

The current fiat money system that secret backed by natural resources with some high level beings/group as the “referee” are also have flaws, not perfect.

Who set those secret point system based on natural resources ?
Example: 1 gram of Gold worth 10000 point, 1 gram of lithium worth 1 point (50 years ago) and worth 2000 point at the moment of 2020s.
That system are flexible and not fixed.
The point is no matter who control/manage that point based system, it is just not perfect because not all the players (high level players at God level) in the game of life agree. So it is a totally not the way of life.

The current financial system are only serve and get accepted by certain level of players, not all.

The only working solution is not demolish the current whole financial system but creating more new unique currency type that can co-exist with the current national fiat money system.

If you think you are “stronger” and “smarter” than me the Savior Messiah Buddha, then go face and battle with me 1 on 1 in physical in-person with all the top neutral high level beings act as neutral referee !

Vision Bodhi

The Best Script To Release The Capitalism Currency Concept To The Public Society

The Best Script To Release The Capitalism Currency Concept To The Public Society

I have released and shared the private capitalism currency concept to many big groups and entities to this society but not yet received any response or any investment.

I wonder why they are too stupid to reject that only working solution ?
The answer are vary such as they worship/follow some stupid beings, they are being blocked by certain kind of energy, they are being attacked by black magic/ritual, they are being cheated/deceived by others, etc.

If they cannot agree and release straight away the capitalism currency concept to the public society then here is the best indirect way:

Must publish on mainstream media for all people, all nations know and think if you want to change the energy field for the better.

Step 1: Raise the question of how the North Korea and South Korea can reunited in peace.

Step 2: Raise the question of how end can the Myanmar civil war.

Step 3: Give the specific direction route way like I have shared before (3 steps) and the first step is finding a “common” currency which both sides can accept.

Step 4: The Myanmar civil war because of lack of respect for local people. The local people want control their own homeland natural resources (finance) but the big military GOV do not, so the only working solution left is creating a economy financial system that respect local people.

Step 5: If the Government backed currency do not work then we must try the private currency. Announce a big bounty reward competition for whoever able to designed and make the new private currency that both North Korea and South Korea can agree.

Step 6: All the leaders from all states in Myanmar agree to form a new Myanmar financial system which respect all region and states. Also make a big public competition to seek ideas from around the world.

Step 7: The winner is obvious my new Capitalism Currency concept, there is no doubt about that.

Step 8: The releasing of new private currency in the USA and in digital world.

That is the best possible script that will 100% success.
And to me, that is the best way I want to release my Capitalism Currency concept to the world. I really to not want to open legal company to franchise license/permission just to make money in the public. I prefer receive the reward for my hard work via private mode.

Do not believe my knowledge wisdom about spiritual field and your own current blocking ? Just give it a try, it is completely safe to use step 1 to step 4 (even to step 6) because it only related to public media, no real public product appear till that step 6 yet.

If any group, any entities want to buy this script for public using or have any request question to ask, then let me know as soon as possible.

Thank You,
The Savior Vision Bodhi

I Will Treat All Equal If Receiving Investment For My Capitalism Currency Project Now

I Will Treat All Equal If Receiving Investment For My Capitalism Currency Project Now

The Private Capitalism Currency is the only way to move forward in this chaos society, there is no doubt about that.

The crypto or the CBDC (central bank digital currency) cannot bring peace, cannot end the conflicts in Myanmar, Korea and other place.

But my private Capitalism Currency solution will 100% able to solve that problem.

It is the world revolution, not any “small” national evolution in the history.

If receiving enough investment within the next 10 days to start the Capitalism Currency project in a public way, I will treat all nations are equal.

Which mean all entities are free to choose what “branch” to have agreement/contract with, whether that is USA company or Singapore company or UAE company or UK/German/Rwanda company, etc. There won’t be any specific headquarter like many other companies in the world, but all “branch” are also the “headquarter” (with the shareholders are not public related at all) as well.

By doing that, all entities from all side do not need to worry about their profile/information.

But I can only do that within the next 10 days if receiving enough investment.

Otherwise, I will do on my own and no point to try to be nice/fair with all entities.

Even if all company/entities have to come to Singapore or China or India to sign the document/contract/agreement with me to receive the license/permission, I won’t care anymore.

I want everything to be done in a natural best way, not the “forced unripe” way !

Feel free to send that clear message to all groups, all entities to prepare.

Thank You,
The Savior Vision Bodhi

Without Deal Investment, I am Going To Leave In October 2024

Without Deal Investment, I am Going To Leave In October 2024

As the Savior Messiah, I have tried my best to save, to help this civilization.
But there are too many useless eater leaders in this world who do not live with normal human mindset but only rely on other low level thing and stupid stuffs.

What is the point of continue while do not receive support from others ?

I do not see any reason at all.

You cannot evolve, cannot learn new things if only want destruction (dead) !

Use common sense please if you want to become better beings in life.

You must learn, must try to create new things for only new creation (birth) can teach you about new lesson !

I have decide to leave so that other God(s) and high level deities to come in to take all necessary actions.

All of persons, entities who refused to support my vision is going to be in my blacklisted forever which mean they must disband/gone if want to use any of my idea, vision, solution.

I am going to leave very soon, there is no specific dates but it will occur in October 2024. There could a be an announcement or not from me, does not really matter.

I think it is enough and I can leave without any regret.

Whether I will return in the future or not, I not sure but that chance is extremely small.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Vision Bodhi

The Benefits Of Using The New Private Capitalism Currency

The Benefits Of Using The New Private Capitalism Currency

The benefits of using the new private Capitalism Currency are beyond the financial economic field. It is going to bring peace and less conflict around the world. Here are the list benefits:
1. Help the North Korea reunite with South Korea in a peace way.

2. End the current Myanmar civil war.

3. Give local people and small groups more power over their life.

4. Preserve languages, culture across the globe.

5. Educate people more about finance, money, currency in a real life way.

6. Create more jobs, more businesses.

7. Bring the capitalism ideology to the highest limit.

8. Level the playing field between all nations, all groups in term of finance, economy.

9. Make the society more fun, more interesting, more diversity.

10. Open new chapter for this civilization.

And many other great benefits that you will find out later when the new private Capitalism Currency get accepted and become a new thing in your life.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

All Beings, Nations Have Their Final Choice Between Go With My Plan Or Go Against

All Beings, Nations Have Their Final Choice Between Go With My Plan Or Go Against

I have shared a very clear world peace plan with specific road map:
1. The Korean peninsula unification strategy.
2. The tactic to end international economic currency war.

I don’t think I can have better words, better information than all of those things.

Now it is for all beings, groups, nations to finally to choose their fate, to choose either go with my plan or go against.

If you choose go with my plan then you must either show your support via direct donation/investment or obtain license permission to create private capitalism currency.

If you choose go against with my vision then you do not need to do anything but if my plan is correct then you MUST gone, vanish like dust since you have rejected that “potential successful” policy.

That is a clear message to all beings, groups, nations including all low/high level beings/entities, military, martial art clan, secret societies, royal families, businesses, etc.
Only apply to those who have read my offers/information/message and in position of making choice.

I am not threatening, but I am just telling what I am going to do after the deadline of September 2024. I want my mind to be more clear, I do not want to see useless eater leaders in my world any more (especially who have read my words my vision but refused to support). Those actions will be carried by very high level deities, God level entities.

I don’t have much time left, I cannot wait you in expense of my own personal situation. I must make my own choice, own way of living. I have tried my best to help this civilization.

Thank You Very Much,
Vision Bodhi

The Investment Type, Offers, Deadline For Capitalism Currency Project

The Investment Type, Offers, Deadline For Capitalism Currency Project

There are 2 type of investment and option on the table:
Type 1: I will receive investment to run the Capitalism Currency project like a real startup with purpose of making money. Of course the “making money” activities is selling license/permission to others and maybe even create some version of the stone rock currency.

Type 2: I will directly “secretly” sell license/permission of the Capitalism Currency using to anyone who interested in create their own private currency.

For type 1: the price I willing to offer is minimum 10 million USD for 5% stake/shares of the upcoming legal company. The highest amount is 20 million for 10% stakes/shares.

For type 2: the price will vary depend on case-to-case basis. But who is faster will have more easier time to obtain the license because there could be some kind of head to head or auction battle if more than 1 buyer want to obtain a same license (such as Korean/Japan/Hindu/French/Spanish/Russian, etc. language based currency or the fully use/agent in any particular nation, etc.)

There is no any fixed deadline for any type but totally depend on my personal issue/decision at the time. But I want it to be quick within this month of September 2024.

If do not found any investor for the next 7 days then it is better for me to give up and stay disconnect from this current world affair because that mean the current level mindset of this civilization are too low and require more deadly war before they realize their own mistake of totally ignore me and all of my ideas/suggestions.

If have to found a reason for investor then that has to be the Korean peninsula reunification.
You may not sure about the private “Capitalism Currency”, you may not sure whether or not the GOV will accept, you may not sure about whether it will be accepted by higher level entities or not.
But all you need to know is the Korean Peninsula reunification road map and strategy. Without new private capitalism currency, then there is ZERO chance for that to occur but only mega disaster such as nuclear war or natural disaster.
So all investors who invest in Capitalism Currency can have confident and valid reason to support their investment/their choice, it is because of that is the only tool for the Korean reunification, that is the only tool for world peace and new chapter in this civilization.

if that not enough to convince others, then I think all the top leaders in this civilization better and MUST gone, die instantly because they are simply do not live with any human thinking at all.

I really hope that enough and I really hope some entity in this civilization can make investment into my capitalism currency project while I still have some little desire motivation left.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi
The Bodhi
The King Of Kings
The Lord Of Lords
The Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Saoshyant, any other name
The God Of Destruction
The Master Of Creation
The King Of Evolution

Capitalism Currency Is The Best Chance For The Korean Peninsula Reunification

Capitalism Currency Is The Best Chance For The Korean Peninsula Reunification

The Korean peninsular can be only reunite if they able to solve the economy trading first because that is the MUST first step.

How the North Korea and South Korea can trade freely if they cannot even find a “accepted” currency ?
The truth is all the current existing currency is not good enough for both sides can comfortable to use it for various reasons.
The North Korea will never accept trade via USD, Euro, while the South Korea will never accept trade via Yuan, Rub, and you must forget either country willing accept South Korea’s currency or North Korea’s currency.

The only solution and I think is the best possible chance is using the new private language-based currency of “Korean” language.

I am not sure about the “political” stuffs of their leaders but in term of economic field: it is only make sense to use the new private capitalism Korean language based currency for their economic trading.

If they able to accept about a free economic trade with Korean language based currency then they will increase a much better chance of reunite.

But if they unable to find a common ground for economic trade, then I don’t see any chance for the Korean peninsula reunification.

It is a worth safe try to use the new private capitalism currency !

The Bodhi

The New Private Capitalism Currency Project Will Start Soon

The New Private Capitalism Currency Project Will Start Soon

Decision just made.
I think it is the best for me to do the new project call as “private capitalism currency” or “Capitalism Currency” in short term.

It will help people have easier time to understand the new concept of “capitalism currency”.

Capitalism currency here mean each entity will have power to print/create their own private currency without the need of approved from other nations/groups (of course you need obtain a license/permission from me the author in advance).

Now all the currencies such as USD, EURO, Yuan, Yen, Rub, etc. are currently require of “prior agreement/requirement” before able to “print” any new money into the market, pretty much like that North Korea economy structure.

But my new private capitalism currency will be serve and exist like the South Korea economy structure. It is going to help nations to print local currency for local people in order to create more local jobs.

Capitalism currency is the highest level of capitalism that can even exist.

There are 4 type of private capitalism currency I have revealed so far already.

The new project website address will be: .net .org and .net .org.

Beside the license requirement from me the author to create own private currency, all other features in that capitalism currency project will be free for the community.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi
The Bodhi

If You Do Not Use My Private Currency Model Tactic, It Will Be A Nuclear War In Near Future

If You Do Not Use My Private Currency Model Tactic, It Will Be A Nuclear War In Near Future

With the current pace of world conflict, it will be just matter of time before the nuclear war occur unless a big significant event appear.

And that only big significant event must be able to have a big change in the whole world economy structure, and that must be my private currency model tactic. Because that is the only way to both keep the current world financial system (thus the current world economy model) but also adding new feature, new power for others as well.

I do believe it is just mater of time before the nuclear war break out.
And I don’t think giving it a try, making a private currency product can do more harm than any kind of current deadly physical weapon war or the nuclear war.

The private currency is the only way to move forward, that is the natural way of life, a natural way of civilization evolution.

Of course, only very smart and intelligence one can agree with my big brave vision and solution.

That is my pretty much summary and conclusion with solution about the current world chaos: it is either using my private currency solution or you will have nuclear war !

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

The Current World Financial System Is Operating Like The North Korea Economy Structure

The Current World Financial System Is Operating Like The North Korea Economy Structure

The best example and explanation I can give all of you about the current world financial system is the current North Korea economy system/structure.

All of you, all nations are current in that outdated low level financial system style and are blaming each other.

Just look at the South Korea economy system, that is the alternative and the opposite side of the North Korea economy.

If you want end war chaos, you must have a new financial system that operating like the South Korea economy model/structure, a new real private currency model !

Then people will have more choice to choose between either North Korea economy system style vs the South Korea economy system style, but here in term of financial system.
Now you do not have that choice, you just don’t have it but only world chaos !

I have reveal the great tactic that keep the new private currency co-exist with the current old world financial system.

Of course, many of you still doubt since you are currently living in the North Korea economy system style (but here in term of economy structure) but not yet known the South Korea brand new model yet.

I don’t see any other option, other solution for this civilization move forward.
The only way must be the new South Korea economy system style (in term of financial): the real private currency model !

Vision Bodhi

Due To Extremely Sick, I Am Going To Take A Big Break From Now

Due To Extremely Sick, I Am Going To Take A Big Break From Now

Last couple of days, I have been extremely sick with all kind of super bug, super virus and could be ancient old virus as well suddenly awake inside my body.

Combine with the the stupid idiots actions from the rest of this society about whether “go with” or “go against” my direction of private currency solution to end the weapon physical war, I got headache more often.

So it is the best for be to take a big break and avoid all kind of connection with the rest of this civilization.

Therefore, from now I am going to take a big break (could be few weeks to few months to permanent), I cannot tell now.

When I return, the USA + Europe will be on my blacklisted because they rejected my world peace plan so it is better for me to support the Russia instead (I always stay neutral before) but cannot stand with the animal lifestyle of the West anymore.

Thank You,

Vision Bodhi

I Have Done Everything I Could To Help You, Now It Is The Final Waiting Moment

I Have Done Everything I Could To Help You, Now It Is The Final Waiting Moment

Meeting me directly in-person will give you the blessing and hidden power => but all of you refused it.

Sending me financial support which I need to solve family issue in order to fasten the world peace process => all of you also refused it.

Sharing, revealing great new unique projects to make the world become a better place => you guys gals also refused it.

So what more I can give and offer all of you ?
None !

I will wait for next couple of days to see the final decision from the rest of this society/civilization, then I will make my final call, final decision.
Without support, then 100% I am going to give up for other God to destroy all of you by forces.

Frankly, without me, many of you already gone vanish like dust, many of you (both individuals and groups) still receiving some secret hidden protection from me since I still have some little hope from you guys. But that will be no longer the case very soon with the current pace.

Don’t mess with me !
Once I truly angry then no any God can save you !

The Bodhi
The Messiah

The Private Currency Solution Only Temporary Make The Current Society Situation Become Better But…

The Private Currency Solution Only Temporary Make The Current Society Situation Become Better But…

The current civilization of this world is just a “low level” world in the Universe, there are more “higher level” world exist.

All the current world chaos are just the “punishment” from “above” because of useless eater leaders who cannot help the public people evolve with real product service.

My private currency solution is very good, it will make the economic world become more balance because of same level playing field between nations and groups. But it is just 1 out of many new unique projects that are required to make the this world become “better” place.

Unless you have evolve and obtain the “Nirvana” status, otherwise you just cannot make the correct call/direction for the rest of this civilization.

In my language, the “Messiah” or the “Savior” mean the “temporary ultimate leader of the civilization” (above all nations), or the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Of course whether you believe it or not, doest not matter because only real products services that can “verify” that legendary title.

The only reason I could not get enough support is become of useless eater leaders ! Many of them are still living with animal mindset and behavior !

The destruction will come 100%, the private currency solution alone won’t be enough to stop but need more new unique godlike level products services like that !

I am writing this because of the truth of life that all of you need to know.
Frankly even if you guys gals give me or any God endless wealth (if that the God need), it just cannot make the society become but it could increase the chance of success !

But at the end of the day, you still need new public products society to help the people become better because that is the requirement from “above” with not only this world but all other worlds in the Universe as well !

Of course most of you won’t able to understand nor comprehend since those stuffs are above your level of knowledge wisdom and most do not exist in any textbook since the ancient time including not only this 10,000 years history of this current civilization but many other old civilizations as well.

Just a new message left while waiting for the final decision/choice from the rest of you in this civilization to decide whether to try my private currency solution or not.

Thank You,
The Savior
The Messiah

How The New World Financial System Should Be With Private Currencies

How The New World Financial System Should Be With Private Currencies

The current world financial system need a big upgrade.

Throughout the history since ancient time, you already have many small “evolution” and big change in the society such as the appear of monarchy, the appear of monopoly dynasty, the appear of asset currency, paper currency, etc.
And none of them are “compulsory” and able to have big impact forever in the society.
Most of that big feature and entities still exist but their influence are significantly reduce at the moment.

All the current world chaos from Asia to Europe at the moment only have only 1 answer: private currency officially.

I have talked and revealed my thinking, my solution around that subject already.
The current world financial system structure: 100% money issued by the authority government.

The new world financial system with private currency will be: 50% to 60% money issued by the authority government + 40% to 50% private currency issued by any non-GOV entities.

The real % is depend on each nation but the barrier is 50%.

By that structure, the core of this financial system still remain.

Private currency here could be made by the local political parties or group of company or businesses or any individual people but most likely will be the political parties since they are the closest level with the government.

Private currency are just like any video games, they are absolutely pointless meaningless if you cannot make people work !

The rules, the format of private currency are created and made by that owner/creator, does not and cannot have any particular rules.
Here I mean not only digital but also fiat money paper.
How crazy to think a non-GOV currency in money paper could be accept and exist along the GOV currencies ?!
I don’t think any of you have gut to think about that scenario yet.

Private currency are worthless if it not officially accept by the highest level of government authority since most sellers, businesses will never accept any kind of non-GOV currencies except physical assets (have it own value).

But by my special currency label tactic which help the authorities and people to accept and recognize, everything now will be possible and accepted.

Of course, it is totally depend on your level of mindset to agree with my big vision or not.

But to me, that is the only way to end the current world deadly world chaos between groups, nations around financial matter (mostly related to natural resources).

I think if you do not try my solution then it will be 100% of mega disaster such as nuclear war since there is no other choice left. And the survival will wake up and recognize that they must try my private currency tactic.

It is better try it now than later !

It is a real evolution in the society !

Thank You,
The Messiah

With my private currency solution, the “level of playing field” between all nations will be the same because that is where both the “rich” and “poor” natural resources nation are on the same floor since now they can create a real fiat money without any kind of resources backed (50% total).

Welcome to a new real economy war between not only nations but also between all political parties around the globe !

I can foresee that future but whether you can or not, it is totally up to all of you.
It could occur this year or next year or others (totally depend on the actions from the rest of you from this civilization).

No matter what God appear, the only way to end the current world chaos conflict is by making new real public product service (no any hidden secret agreement between any entities).

Do not listen to any fake master, fake listen, stupid entities or any kind of spiritual teacher, fortune teller, etc. most of them was/are deceiving many of you !

That is the truth of life.

Just try, just test my solution in the public then you will know that “I am the real Messiah” that all of you was/are looking for !

Thank You,
The Messiah

Whoever Reject My Private Currency Solution Is Either Too Evil Or Too Stupid

Whoever Reject My Private Currency Solution Is Either Too Evil Or Too Stupid

I have revealed and shared with you the private currency tactic that will probably going to end the current world chaos.

The advantage and benefit or my private currency:
– It is going to give most of political parties around the world power to create it own fiat money paper (do not need any resources to back).
Because whether they can “convert” that power into real people jobs or not, it is another story.

– It do not “crash” the current world financial system since there is way for top government to create official law of % using with the currency label tactic.

– It is going to end the natural resources battle between groups (except the one with animal mindset).

– It is going to make the international transactions between nations more fair since there will be new option of “international private currency”.

The disadvantage and draw back:
– It is going to be a new public economic war between political group(s).
Do you see how boring of lying battle between those useless leaders ?
Most people do not care but they will care more about their personal financial issue and jobs.

– It will be a little bit complicated in life for a lot of people to choose between private currency(s).

That is the best way to “upgrade” the current world financial system without breaking it. It is also completely safe to implementing it.

Whoever reject my private currency solution is either too evil or too stupid (most likely too evil one).

The time is short, my patience is limited. I think I have done my hidden duty with the civilization. It is totally up to all of you to decide between follow my direction/solution or not.

Thank You,
The Messiah

The Minimum Requirement For Nations To Use My Private Currency Tactic

The Minimum Requirement For Nations To Use My Private Currency Tactic

I The Messiah have revealed the special private currency tactic that would be strong enough to end all the current world conflict that related to financial issue not only between nations but also within any nation.

Of course each nation are require to obtain a legit license of using from me the author. But in order to save time and make it easier to work, here are my minimum requirement for all nations:
– You must eliminate all the beings/entities/groups who have attacked me since 2016.

– Your nation must handle the immigration/visa process alone (not though any company) in all nations around the world, no matter big or small.

They are my basic requirement for all nations that want to use my private currency special tactic.
Depend on each nation, there could be other additional requirement but in most case above minimum requirement is enough.

Thank You,
The Messiah

My Private Currency Tactic Solve Both The Conflict Between Nations And Within Nation

My Private Currency Tactic Solve Both The Conflict Between Nations And Within Nation

There are two kind of conflict between groups: conflict between nation and conflict within a nation.

Now you can understand: the “winner” team is the one who take completely control of the currency money issued within a nation, while the “runner up” and other loser receive absolutely nothing. Here I mean in term of publicly.

While between each nation, it is always about natural resources and currency war.

Now if you use my special private currency tactic, more people, more groups will able to create, to own official currency which the public people can trust and can use.

It is better to have 10% or 20% rather than 0% !

As of you the “winner” have full 100% of the financial system within a nation.
But once my private currency tactic appear, that percentage will change to 50-60%, while 40-50% will be owned by the remaining “loser” team/organization. Here I mean public and officially in law, no need any secret private agreement.

For the international currency war, with the appear of private currency, you will have multinational companies for that new kind of private currency as well (and could be easier managed and accepted between nation). Thus you do not need to forced to use USD or EURO or Rub or Yuan or Pound or Rupee or anything current national fiat money paper (you still have an option to choose).

I do not know whether you guys gals can understand and accept my special private currency tactic or not but I think that is the best possible way to end the current world conflict around national resources and financial system.

It is just matter of time before my special private currency tactic will be appear to the society (should be appear within few weeks from now unless the evil forces in this world are too much then it will take more time).

It is totally risk-free to try my special tactic too since it only involving with label and policy but nothing else.

Thank You,
The Bodhi

The USA, Europe Have 2 Choice: Try The Messiah’s Private Currency Tactic Or Total Collapse

The USA, Europe Have 2 Choice: Try The Messiah’s Private Currency Tactic Or Total Collapse

The West including the United States USA and Europe now only have 2 choice left: try the Messiah’s private currency special tactic to lead the world financial system evolution or face a total collapse. They do not have any other choice, other option.

They better forget all kind of stupid actions that involve with ritual or energy monitor or anything like that.
Even if their God and other Gods come, they just simply cannot save the USA, Europe without using my special private currency label tactic.

They also need to understand that there are many high level deities, God who are playing the role of neutral entity and are watching this game of life very closely.

If the West (where famous known for the “capitalism” and private company) do not willing to try the special tactic for the private currency, then there is no way left but they must face a total collapse and destruction since they are losing, they do not have resources, they was and are wrong in so many subjects of life.

The West have only several days left to decide their fate with their own action and decision.

This is not a threat but a warning, a prediction and also the final hope for all of you in this civilization.

Thank You,
The Messiah

All Of My Other Projects Cannot Appear Because The Most Important Project Not Appear

All Of My Other Projects Cannot Appear Because The Most Important Project Not Appear

I was planned to do and release all other projects after my stone rock currency publicly appear in the society but that plan is off because of some entity in the USA rejected and deleted my stone rock currency website/project.

All of my other projects are including both the personal human development evolution & financial issue, and those projects are extremely good for the civilization evolution because some of my planned project help the normal people connect with high level beings.

But now since the stone rock currency is off and deleted, my plan must change now. I no longer able to do any more interesting projects until I able to find any reason motivation to do.

I will wait for next several days before remove all of my hidden protection for all of you in this civilization.

Many God are following and watching me very closely and they will understand what should be done with those stupid idiots entities !

This is my straight forward message so that all of you can understand the reasons behind my decision of pulling out.

Thank You,
The Messiah

I The Messiah Will Take A Big Break From September 2024 If Cannot Find Investor Who Support My World Peace Plan

I The Messiah Will Take A Big Break From September 2024 If Cannot Find Investor Who Support My World Peace Plan

It been a very long journey.
I the Messiah have done most of my hidden duty by providing many possible solution, strategy for this civilization.

I have done the most difficult job of creation, providing new unique idea, vision, wisdom that never exist in the history to all of you.
Now it is totally up to the rest of you in this civilization to decide whether or not believe in me, believe in that vision.

I do not find any reason to do everything alone by myself without investor because if I have enough money to start my own big startup like normal business then I would not find any reason, motivation to do so. And another reason is I am not living alone in this world.

My deadline is this month of August 2024.
If I cannot find any investor who support my world peace plan for the next 7 days then I will going to take a big break from the internet and from this civilization.

Because it would be more easier for other high level deities to come, to destroy all of you so you guys can realize your sin, your stupid mistake of ignoring the Messiah completely.

When that occur, most likely the nuclear war and/or mega natural disaster will happen.

I do not know the specific dates but it is going to from as early as September 1st 2024.

Whether I am going to return to talk with you from the internet or not in the future, I am not sure but most likely won’t since I don’t see any reason nor motivation to do so. This big break will last as little as 2 weeks at least and could be permanent forever.

If you cannot contact me via the internet, then you should try the mobile phone and physical in-person meeting which I have revealed my personal communication information already. But I am not guaranteed though I will check and read message after my deadline.

I am not threatening but just a straight forward warning and message to all of you from this civilization since I do not hold any nuclear button or anything like that.

Feel free to send/forward this important message to all world leaders, military group, royal families, clans, organizations.

Thank You Very Much
The Messiah

Do not surprise if mega event occur in near future with the interfere of many high level deity beings !
Many God beings only waiting for my final decision and choice !

Once I made the decision, it won’t revert, whoever do not want to enter my “way” (via direct support me) now won’t able to receive second chance latter !
That is my way of life.

The Messiah

Reasons Why Real Legal Private Currency Is The Only Way To End The Financial War

Reasons Why Real Legal Private Currency Is The Only Way To End The Financial War

If you do not want to trade with USD, Euro, Yen, Yuan, Rub, etc. and also do not want to trade with gold, silver, copper, etc.
The only option left is via a new international currency created by private entity but will be secretly owned by many big nation at the same time.

It cannot be formed/created by official national government because it is unnatural since they already issue their local national fiat money paper.

But the only way for any non-Government currency to be exist is it must not “clash” with the current government currency and it must be officially accepted by the governments via law !

The only way to make that occur is using my special “currency label” tactic. Only by doing that, the government can have valid natural reason to accept, to recognize, to make it into law and also the public people can understand and able to separate between the currency made by the government authority vs currency made by non-GOV entity.

What the government could make law with the private currency ?
– They can make law like: remove all the VAT tax for payment made by “private currency” in order to promote the fairness between “low level” vs “high level” person in the society.

– They can set a percentage of minimum and maximum amount each “private currency” can be used in each industry.

– Nations can accept new private currency(s) (that owned, managed by an international company that have all the persons from all core nations) for the international transaction business.


But in order to make that happen, you must using my “currency label” tactic so that the private currency can be accepted and people can understand it.

Private currency here mean all people, all entity can able to create currency with their own “dream” but whether that private currency can be accepted by the public, the government, the business, the God, the deity and others, it is another story.

I don’t know whether you can understand my vision, my tactic or not but I think that is the only solution left that can able to end the currency war.

It is completely risk-free to try my method/tactic.

If any entity want to end current world chaos or want to become rich, then just invest in my vision, my tactic.

The Savior Vision Bodhi

The Free For All Of Stone Rock Currency License Future Date Is Off

The Free For All Of Stone Rock Currency License Future Date Is Off

The previous announcement of full free license for my stone rock currency from January 15th 2033 is off/cancel permanently from now.
The reason is lack of support from the rest of this civilization.
It is totally nonsense to give it for free for the useless eaters with animal mindset !

The God level product cannot let those stupid idiots beings entities manage and using.

So from now all beings entities who want to use any of my stone rock currency idea must either seek the license from me directly or wait until at least 12 (half) slots is allocated.

There won’t be any dates from now, it is either an instantly or none !

Not worth so save the animal in human forms !

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

World Peace Will Only Come When You Try My Solution

World Peace Will Only Come When You Try My Solution

World peace can only come with new real life public products services.
Even all kind of high level deity such as Jesus Christ, Lord Shiva, Kwan Yin, etc. come, they just cannot stop the current deadly war by their presentation alone !

I have revealed my core solution in full and I have put myself in the position of the GOV, the businesses, the public user, the neutral referee and the high level deity.

And I don’t think you can find any better idea, better solution than mine for the current world conflict that mostly related to financial matters.

If you want to test, to try my solution is correct or not then the only way is making it become reality for the rest of this civilization to try.

I strongly believe my idea, my solution is the only way to move forward, the only tactic that can end the current deadly war chaos.

I do not in the position of directly carry any kind of project due to lack to resources, support and motivation. So the rest of you must do that easy task.

All of you are racing against time since the entities who did gave out orders do on their own position, their own situation without mercy.

I think that is the best I can do, I can help this civilization as the “Savior”.
Whether you guys believe or willing to try my solution or not, it is totally up to you !

Thank You,
The Bodhi

All The Ban Lifted For Investor, Private Sector In The USA, EU, Mainland China

All The Ban Lifted For Investor, Private Sector In The USA, EU, Mainland China

All the previously banned are lifted for all the investors, private sectors of the USA, EU, mainland China (except Hong Kong).

If any investor want to buy/obtain any of my idea, solution, strategy or want to make big investment in me especially around financial matter then now you can do it within limited time while I am still online.
But whether I accept and agree to sell license/permission is another story and it will totally depend on the agreement and negotiations.

Be quick while I still agree to talk, to sell my idea, my solution.
When my desire gone, you won’t have any opportunity left since when that occur all kind of wealth cannot change my decision !

Thank You,
The Bodhi

The Next Big Thing In The World Financial System Is Private Currency

The Next Big Thing In The World Financial System Is Private Currency

If you have knowledge about currency, money then you will know that the current financial system have many kind of different currency type since ancient time from real physical metals such as copper, silver, gold to fully fiat.

I can tell and guaranteed with you the next big thing in the world financial system is not the digital currency but the PRIVATE CURRENCY.

What is a private currency?
It means that currency will be created by anybody in the society, does not mean it must be “powerful” entity one.

But whether that private currency being accepted by the public, the Government, businesses and other entities or not, it is totally up to the creator of that private currency.

You will have 2 kinds of private currency: domestic vs international.

How to make the Government accept it in natural way?
Even if the Government want to accept it, they must find a real valid reason.
And I think the only way is using the “currency label” tactic like I have revealed not long ago. Because without put currency into correct category with label, there is absolutely no way for any government to accept and legalized it ! Without official legalization, all private currency are worthless, meaningless !

The private currency can have all kind of database structure from centralized to decentralized to mix. And it could be physical asset backed or fully fiat (made by human intelligence one).

If you ask the reason for “private currency” to be appear then my answer is to make life more interesting, to solve the society problem around financial matter, to educate people more about money currency and life.

The private currency won’t able to replace the current world financial system but only the additional one.

I do not see any other direction nor solution other than “private currency”.

Whether you believe me or not, it is totally up to your level of mindset wisdom.

Thank You,
The Bodhi

Mess With The Messiah, You Are Gone Forever !

No matter whether you are the world military or neutral entity, once you mess with the Messiah then all of you going to die !

Prepare for the destruction and total collapse.

All the shadow leaders and useless leaders from entity who either attacked me or refused to support me MUST die vanish forever !

It is not a threat, it is a statement !

The Lord Of Lords
The King Of Kings

None Of You Can Understand The Global Financial System Evolution Is Coming

None Of You Can Understand The Global Financial System Evolution Is Coming

The global currency reset or more correctly word is a real Global Financial System Evolution.

There is no choice for any beings, any nation to choose because the only correct direction move forward is the Global Financial System Evolution !

It has been done some times in the past in this civilization, look at the history, do your research about currency, financial, then you will know about it.

With the current conflict that mostly involve with the financial matter, I strongly confident to say if you do not “upgrade” the world financial system to higher level that “match” with the current situation, then the nuclear war between big nations/groups are irreversible.

Sadly, there are too many useless eater leaders (both the public and private, both the normal humans and deities) in this civilization who NEVER really evolve in life, who have animal mindset, they just don’t have real GOD mindset !

It is just matter of time before you guys turn on me and listen to my words, my wisdom related to the Global Financial System Evolution !

Thank You,
The Savior Vision Bodhi
The God Of Destruction
The Master Of Creation
The King Of Evolution

Summary Of The Global Currency Reset Event From The Savior Vision Bodhi

Summary Of The Global Currency Reset Event From The Savior Vision Bodhi

I think I have shared all the best possible strategy and insight about the global currency reset event. Now it is the final summary time.

– The current world financial system is based on resources (secretly).
– The new one will including the current one + the new “factors” (currency made by human intelligence).

Depend on each nation situation, that new currency made by human intelligence could be various form but there will be mostly 2 kind: “made by low level human” vs “made by high level human”.

Since almost all national governments are having a negative balance so the only way for them to continue survive is using my tactic in order to print more “public fiat money” with new design bank note to exchange for the current secretly resources backed bank note.

But in order to do that, they must make law that accept the “made by low level people/entity” currency first. The percentage % of business transactions is totally depend on each nation but should be about 50%.

Then they can create the new “made by high level person/entity” bank note.

In my opinion, high level beings/entity will only accept that route way and only accept national government that have obtain a legal permission license from me the author of that special idea/tactic.

It is very difficult and tough to talk self-alone without financial support and connection from the rest of this civilization.

But I think I have tried almost everything with my current terrible personal situation.

Again currency is not the issue of this civilization. No matter what kind of currency, people still have to work, to contribute to the society if they want to make money.

I think I have done and finish with the global currency reset event.

Whether you guys believe in me or not, does not matter.
But one thing for sure is if you do not try my solution, then the only path way for you is continue “sacrifice” till death without ending sight !

Frankly all those stupid gods/deities/entities who did giving out that deadly orders are just bunch of idiots but lucky for them that I do not know them nor have any conflict with them, otherwise all of them would be wiped out instantly !

For those who have either attacked me or refused to giving me all the financial support: good bye forever, nothing gonna save any of you !

That is everything I have for the Global Currency Reset event.

Thank You,
The Savior Vision Bodhi
The God Of Destruction
The Master Of Creation
The King Of Evolution

The Only Way For The Governments To Print More Money Without Resources Is Using My Label Tactic

The Only Way For The Governments To Print More Money Without Resources Is Using My Label Tactic

I have revealed my special “currency label” tactic already and some of you should already know it.

As you know the current world financial system are still based on resources (despite the fact on the public media called it as “fiat money”.)

Why ?
Because those people who in charge of the authority Government are not “always right/correct” with their shot calling. Therefore they have no power to issue endless money out of their will just because they are the “elected” person.
And the truth is most of so called world leaders are win and elected by a small amount of voters (very often less than 50% if you calculate the people who refused to vote).

The only way for the official governments to print more money without resources or any kind of sacrifice is they must allow the “opposite” public people to do the same.

From my point of view (a very high level person that on par with God), the amount of real “fiat money” printed by the government must be equal with the amount of “fiat money” printed by the private sector (the public people).

And the only way to make it become reality is you must using my currency label tactic between “made by high level person/entity” vs “made by low level person/entity”, then make it into official law of life.

Without allow the “low level” public people to create their own kind of currency, there is no way the top neutral referee will ever accept and allow any government to print any kind of real fiat money (without resources).

So what the final new financial system will be ?
It will contain 3 currencies type:
1. The current existing one that are secretly backed by resources.
2. The new “made by low level person/entity” currency created by the public people (fully fiat).
3. The new “made by high level person/entity” currency issued by the authority government (fully fiat).

But the catch and some small rule here is:
– The total amount of the new fiat money from both the high level + low level must no larger/higher than the amount of current existing currency that secretly backed by resources.

– The total amount of the new “made by high level person/entity” currency must be equal with the new “made by low level person/entity” currency.

– The total amount of current currency that secretly backed by resources is 100 Trillion.
Then the total amount of currency “made by high level person/entity” must be equal “made by low level person/entity” which = 50 trillion (100 trillion in total).

In order to avoid conflict and easier to spot then the new banknote designed are required, such as only allow to print 1 or 2 big bank note with the words “made by high level entity” of 200/500/1000 dollar or 1000/2000 rupee or something like that.
Then the government must now giveaways but must collect/exchange the new one for the old one bank note from the public people.

I think that is the only way to move forward, the only way for any national government to able to print any kind of real fiat money (by human intelligence).

Do not believe me ?
Just try it or ask the top neutral referee entities to check out my words !

Anyway, don’t forget to obtain the license/permission from me the author if you want to use any of my idea, vision, solution, tactic, strategy.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi