The Current World Financial System Is Operating Like The North Korea Economy Structure
The best example and explanation I can give all of you about the current world financial system is the current North Korea economy system/structure.
All of you, all nations are current in that outdated low level financial system style and are blaming each other.
Just look at the South Korea economy system, that is the alternative and the opposite side of the North Korea economy.
If you want end war chaos, you must have a new financial system that operating like the South Korea economy model/structure, a new real private currency model !
Then people will have more choice to choose between either North Korea economy system style vs the South Korea economy system style, but here in term of financial system.
Now you do not have that choice, you just don’t have it but only world chaos !
I have reveal the great tactic that keep the new private currency co-exist with the current old world financial system.
Of course, many of you still doubt since you are currently living in the North Korea economy system style (but here in term of economy structure) but not yet known the South Korea brand new model yet.
I don’t see any other option, other solution for this civilization move forward.
The only way must be the new South Korea economy system style (in term of financial): the real private currency model !
Vision Bodhi