Even The Current Financial System Are Not Perfect But Have Flaws, Not The Way Of Life
There is no such thing as “perfection” when related to financial system.
Because it is up to each people ideology.
The current fiat money system that secret backed by natural resources with some high level beings/group as the “referee” are also have flaws, not perfect.
Who set those secret point system based on natural resources ?
Example: 1 gram of Gold worth 10000 point, 1 gram of lithium worth 1 point (50 years ago) and worth 2000 point at the moment of 2020s.
That system are flexible and not fixed.
The point is no matter who control/manage that point based system, it is just not perfect because not all the players (high level players at God level) in the game of life agree. So it is a totally not the way of life.
The current financial system are only serve and get accepted by certain level of players, not all.
The only working solution is not demolish the current whole financial system but creating more new unique currency type that can co-exist with the current national fiat money system.
If you think you are “stronger” and “smarter” than me the Savior Messiah Buddha, then go face and battle with me 1 on 1 in physical in-person with all the top neutral high level beings act as neutral referee !
Vision Bodhi