The Real GCR Event Is More Like A Big Upgrade Evolution World Financial System

The Real GCR Event Is More Like A Big Upgrade Evolution World Financial System

There won’t be a big reset about the GCR (global currency reset) event but more like a big upgrade evolution of the world financial system to give nations better chance to survive and bring a same level of playing field as fair as possible.

All are done in my mind already, just need an official request to unleash everything.

All of my solutions, ideas so far related to this great world financial system evolution/upgrade event are just the draft mode, not the final one and still unable to use yet. I the Savior waiting for an official invitation from the authority (military, government).

In my mind, that new system will be very fair and balance and all nations will love it for sure (expect the current “winner” one).

If you want to fasten the releasing process then support me as much as you can.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name