Without Official Request, It Is Impossible For Me The Savior To Release World Solution

Without Official Request, It Is Impossible For Me The Savior To Release World Solution

Life is very complicated.
You should only do thing that help/benefit you and the world in your own personal standard.

I The Savior was trying to “foresee” the future in various of how I will release the Divine World Peace Cure Solution but so far non is acceptable.

Why nobody, no any nation/entity (especially the one in the war) make official request to me the Savior ?
Do they really thing the Messiah God are like other low level Gods Deities who only seeking “follower, member” and will give them free help ?!
If that the case then they are completely wrong because I the Messiah God only help those who want to help and have able to open their mouth to ask/request for solution.

There are both “good” and “bad” entities Gods in this society exist.
My personal experience is telling that all.
While even the elite group of the technology team refused to pay me the promised debt of little money then how the hell you can trust others ?

Which mean now if I even release the read-only divine world peace solution, my hard works could be stolen by the evil entities and claim their own.

Or my personal communication contact could be stolen by the corrupt government as well.
How you can sure the one who you will contact is the real person who create/made the divine world peace solution via email talk or phone talk without meeting them in real physical person ? It is just impossible with the mortal human group.

For all of that reasons I extremely want an official request and a physical in-person meeting with entity (especially the authority Government) and I will reveal the divine world peace solution at that meeting.

As much as I want to finish and conclude everything after my 8 years hard works but I the Savior legend have my personal standard and requirement as well.

Logical common sense thinking: no.
Personal feeling: no.

Then it is just impossible for me to release the Divine World Peace Solution to this society without an official request for any entity from this civilization.

If you really want end current world chaos or want to help you nation then talk with me directly with serious.

Stop follow/listen all those stupid fortune teller or spiritual performers but live with common sense and objective.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name
The God Of Gods
The King Of Kings