Read Only – Introducing The New World Stone Rock Currency Concept Idea

Read Only – Introducing The New World Stone Rock Currency Concept Idea
Since the ancient time till today, there were/are a lot of currencies that already appeared and exist such as copper, silver, gold, fiat money paper, cryptocurrency, etc.
But all of them are not good enough, outdated for the on going ideology of life between people, nations.

Therefore, there must be a new currency concept/idea appear.

Now, I (we) introduce with you the Stone Rock Currency.
Unlike all other currencies with only 1 factor, the Stone Rock Currency are the 3 factors currency/money.

They are:
1. Stone/Rock.
2. Gems.
3. Dust/Clay.

In nature Earth environment, in order to find gold, gems, etc. People need to find the “stone” first then break/smash it to check whether have the “value” things or not.
This new Stone Rock Currency concept idea are pretty similar to that.

So here are the overall working mechanism of new digital Stone Rock Currency:
Step 1: Smash/break the stone/rock with random rolling.
Step 2: Collect the “value” things of gems/metals and dust/clay.
Step 3: Trading/Using that gems/metals with other.

Additional steps: Using dust/clay to from stone/rock.

All of above steps are being done with the help of machine/technology.

All people from all background, nations are on the same level of playing field in this new world Stone Rock Currency because all are equal to smash/break the stone/rock to collect the “valuable” things of gems/metals.

Vision Bodhi