Australia Is The Next Blacklisted Nation Because Of Refusing My Tourist Visa

Australia Is The Next Blacklisted Nation Because Of Refusing My Tourist Visa

No wonder the white trash and the West are dying, collapsing.
A genius, the most high moral person got refused just for a quick travel trip.

I have lived in the United Kingdom, I have travel to top tier nation in this world without making any problem, always respect rule of visited nation.

Just my previous article about Australia visa application handling, they did not impress me but already made me feel something wrong bigly.

They can charged, take $200 AUD without giving me a tourist visa and keep it till the end of their nation !

Worse than Hong Kong, China !

If I am not wrong then the person who decide the outcome is not an Australia authentic person but a Vietnamese one.

How is that even allow ?
Do the Australia nation already “sold” their nation to other entity?
If that the case then they better disband and gone !

For more information and for those who want to verify my words:
Application ID: 2070687410

Transaction reference number: EGP3CKC8TV

In conclusion,
All of the entity have any link with the current Australia nation won’t be allow to use any of my idea/vision/solution no matter what happen next.

Vision Bodhi