Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Natural Resources Certificate Paper

Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Natural Resources Certificate Paper

If all nations (including) the United States want to print endless local national fiat money paper then they must “replace” the USD leading stay-still role on the world economy.

As you know the US Dollar (USD) is currently playing the role of a “standard metric item” for other national fiat currency such as GBP, Euro, Yuan, Yen, Won, Rupee, etc. to follow.

The “replacement” here must be a non-currency item but also an item that can be easy to “transfer/move/trade” like any national fiat money paper.

Out of all non-currency item, the most popular one that most nation can agree at the moment must be natural resources. And the most critical one now is oil, gas because without oil, gas then almost all the industry stop, the economy stop. Oil, gas at the moment is even more important than gold, silver, copper in the mindset of most people in this civilization.

Why is must be a non-currency ?
Because if it a currency then it will be manipulated, low level people will always trying to “cheat” in order to gain certain advantage.
But if it is a non-currency, then they cannot gain anything unless they have endless that “item” in their storage.

I think oil, gas is most “fair” one which most big nations can agree on at the moment. So the oil, gas certificate paper should be the replacement for the USD for the international leading metric role of the world economy.

It is possible for gold, silver, copper certificate paper too if big nations can agree on that.

I am fine with any of those.
But in a fair judgement view, the best one now is the oil, gas certificate paper.

Vision Bodhi