All Nations Are Required My Permission To Begin The Global Currency Reset Exchange

All Nations Are Required My Permission To Begin The Global Currency Reset Exchange

I think many of you have already heard about the Global Currency Reset event: a biggest change in the world financial system in this civilization.

I can tell you this: I am the author, the gate keeper who is currently holding the key to unlock that great reset event.

It is just matter of time, how I will release that divine solution to all of you.

Before that to occur, I want have some pre-words: all the nations are required my special permission in order to begin their global currency reset exchange, no matter who they are ! Because I am the original author of the solution.

I am not bluffing, all the currencies such as USD, EUR, GBP, Rub, Yen, Yuan, Won, Rupee, etc. MUST change and must be replaced with a new one once the global currency reset begin.

Tell that to all national governments and the world military and the neutral referee group.

And each nation are required to contact me directly if they want to begin their global currency reset event, the condition and agreement will be occur due to private negotiation.

But one thing for sure, I will only do it by myself without any “neutral” agent or something like that. I think many of you already know my personal info and communication contact already.

I could release that special divine solution/key this week or next week or next month, I am not yet decide.

So just some important words and announcement before the great reset event begin.

Thank You
The Savior Vision Bodhi
The God Of Destruction
The Master Of Creation
The King Of Evolution