World Peace Will Only Come When You Try My Solution

World Peace Will Only Come When You Try My Solution

World peace can only come with new real life public products services.
Even all kind of high level deity such as Jesus Christ, Lord Shiva, Kwan Yin, etc. come, they just cannot stop the current deadly war by their presentation alone !

I have revealed my core solution in full and I have put myself in the position of the GOV, the businesses, the public user, the neutral referee and the high level deity.

And I don’t think you can find any better idea, better solution than mine for the current world conflict that mostly related to financial matters.

If you want to test, to try my solution is correct or not then the only way is making it become reality for the rest of this civilization to try.

I strongly believe my idea, my solution is the only way to move forward, the only tactic that can end the current deadly war chaos.

I do not in the position of directly carry any kind of project due to lack to resources, support and motivation. So the rest of you must do that easy task.

All of you are racing against time since the entities who did gave out orders do on their own position, their own situation without mercy.

I think that is the best I can do, I can help this civilization as the “Savior”.
Whether you guys believe or willing to try my solution or not, it is totally up to you !

Thank You,
The Bodhi