Reasons For This Stone Currency To Replace USD, Euro, GBP, etc. & Become New International Currency

Reasons For This Stone Currency To Replace USD, Euro, GBP, etc. & Become New International Currency
As we already seeing a huge conflict between nations about international currency for international transactions settlement.

A real international currency cannot be made/controlled by any particular national government/authority.

But the truth is all the current national fiat money such USD, Euro, Yen, Yuan, Rupee, etc. are always controlled by local government and their central banks. Therefore, they are no good to become the neutral international currency.

The new Stone Rock Currency are great and the best possible currency to become new international currency for international business settlement for various reasons:
– Easy to use, to control, to manage.

– Have a completely different format, working mechanism with the current national fiat money thus able to co-exist.

– Fair, equal for all people no matter their background/job, how rich/poor or where they come from.

– The database server can be appear/exist in all nation (as long as that nation accept the stone rock currency concept/idea).

– No any particular group/nation can control the new world Stone Rock Currency system.

– The power, ability of creating new currency money is belongs to all people.

Vision Bodhi