Why This New Stone Rock Currency Is Going To Destroy, Replace The Cryptocurrencies

Why This New Stone Rock Currency Is Going To Destroy, Replace The Cryptocurrencies

In short, the new stone rock currency are just much better, smarter, more friendly for all people from all background, all nations.

CryptocurrencyStone Rock Currency
Require big machine to mine, the stronger and/or sooner the more “money”.All machine, computer no matter strong or weak are equal, all users/players have an equal fair chance to mine.
Mostly only reward tech savy users.Reward all users from all background including homeless, jobless.
The “password” made by developer thus can be hacked one day in the future.The “password” set/made by users.
Little to no privacy because all the account balance, transactions are appeared on the internet.Privacy secure and totally up to each stone rock currency creator/owner and user are freely to choose.
Do not have any connection with anything in nature.Have a strong story and connection with Earth planet environment.
Many national government was/are rejecting due to the lawless uncontrollable system of cryptocurrency.National government friendly
Hard complicated to use, to mine.Very easy to use, to mine.
Cryptocurrency vs Stone Rock Currency

Can the new Stone Rock Currency using blockchain technology like cryptocurrency ?
It is totally up to each stone rock currency developer.

Overall, the new Stone Rock Currency are the future of digital currency thanks to the using friendly, equal and fairness.

Vision Bodhi