Specific Requirements For Any Entity Who Wish To Obtain A License Of My New Currency Idea

Specific Requirements For Any Entity Who Wish To Obtain A License Of My New Currency Idea

I fully know my new global currency idea/vision have a lot of potential that can easily beat all the current cryptocurrencies and national fiat money and become the new world leading currency(s).

It is necessary and important to “franchising” because it is like help you/your group become a new central bank since fully able to create money out of nowhere, thus will have too much power.

In order to make it easy for any entity who wish to obtain a license of my new international (digital) currency idea/vision, now I will reveal the specific requirements like below:
The overall philosophy and rule is: the more successful of your project the more you need to pay me (the original creator), no success no paying except the initial upfront fees.

This overall structure is also apply on all rounds.

There will be 2 phases of payment/paying:
Phase 1. Initial upfront fees & invitation: upon the agreement between the buyer and me.
Overall it will pretty cheap and easy unless you are the entity have attacked me or I do not like your group for whatever reason.

Phase 2. When your currency project success.
It is tough to define a “success” but here are the milestones:
– Have at least 10 millions (10,000,000) unique users.
– Have the market cap/valuable of the currency project of at least 1 billion USD/Euro.
– Become a new popular international currency similar with the current USD/Euro at the present moment.

I think those metrics are pretty fair for any currency project.
Depend on the agreement but overall the specific milestones/target will be:
+ 10 million users to 100 million users.
+ 100 million to 1 billion users.
+ Over 1 billion users.

+ Market cap of 1 billion USD/Euro.
+ Market cap of 10 billion USD/Euro.
+ Market cap of 100 billion USD/Euro.
+ Market cap of 1 trillion USD/Euro.
+ Market cap of 10+ trillion USD/Euro.

+ Have the international trading market share of 5%.
+ Have the international trading market share of 10%.
+ Have the international trading market share of 15%.
+ Have the international trading market share of 20%.

Now I not yet know how much I should charge each above specific milestones but you will find out due to the negotiating if you are the potential buyer.

And I do not think that will be the major factors for it is all about “success” or not.
But I still need to tell it clearly from now.

Please understand that you MUST obtain the license in legal way for there are very high level beings/entities and top referee group who are watching from above and they hate all the cheaters, liars, deceivers.

I want to prevent chaos that is why obtaining a license is a compulsory.
You can receive it for free after certain years when the market is crowd.
So I hope you respect the “original creator” in all cases.

Those who obtain license legally from me will receive my hand written words on physical paper (if they want).

Feel free to contact me as soon as possible.

Thank You Very Much,
Vision Bodhi