Franchising License Stone Rock Currency Vision Phase 1 Details

Franchising License Stone Rock Currency Vision Phase 1 Details

In the previous post, I have revealed the basic requirement for any entity who wish to obtain license, permission of my special stone rock currency vision/idea.

This is the Phase 1 of franchising process:
In phase 1, only 1 entity are allowed to represent one big group type in this society:
Slot 1 & 2: Man & Woman.

– Religion:
Slot 3: No religious.
Slot 4: Islam.
Slot 5: Hindu.
Slot 6: Christianity.
Slot 7: Jewish.
Slot 8: Buddhism.
Slot 9: Atheism.
Slot 10: the religious group remaining.

– Race:
Slot 11: Yellow skin.
Slot 12: White skin.
Slot 13: Black skin.
Slot 14: Brown skin.
Slot 15: Red skin.
Slot 16: the remaining.

– Geography:
Slot 17: East Asia.
Slot 18: West Asia.
Slot 19: Europe.
Slot 20: Middle East.
Slot 21: Africa.
Slot 22: North America.
Slot 23: South America.
Slot 24: Ocean Pacific & the remaining.
Please understand that apply to both “ultimate owner” and “project leader/CEO” of that new digital stone rock currency, not allowed to transfer/sell the project to other group/entity without permission while still in the early stage.

The reason is because I want to make sure all groups from all nations are equal and on the same starting field.

The overall process:
Step 1: Make a bid/offer to the creator/owner of that stone currency idea.
Step 2: Negotiating.
Step 3: Receiving a legal license.
Step 4: Create your own legal stone rock currency.

All are feel to make their own bid.
Each slot will be filled after the license is given out to desired entity.

If more than 1 entity from a single group type apply at the same time (within 7 days and before I make the decision) then there could be a small competition between them.

Stone Rock Currency Name Choosing
The currency name must come from list of gems and metal in natural Earth environment and it must be unique.
All the names are available except: “gems”, “metals”, “gold”.

First come first serve basic.
Who come first will able to choose the available name. There could be a small competition if more than 1 group want a same name at the same time (before the official license given out).

The prefix name are free to choose, can be anything such as cyber, digital, virtual, smart, electronic, intelligent, etc.

How to make a bid/offer to obtain a legal license?
All you need to do is sending me a message via various different way such as via email, phone/fax, forum. The contact and communication info can be found on the website.

In the message you should have at least some basic information such as:
=====Sample of a bid=====
The title can be: Want to buy/obtain the stone rock currency license permission.

– Your group/organization info:

– The representing group/slot you want to choose (1 out of 24 slot above):

– Initial upfront fees/donations you want to send: can be in USD, EURO, GBP, Gold, Silver, etc. (only legal currencies in all nations): the minimum amount is depend on each timeline but the lowest is $100,000 USD/Euro, there is no maximum amount.

– Stone Rock Currency Name you want to choose:

– Anything else want to say:


The phase 1 will only end when either all 24 slots are filled or at least more than 50% or majority groups.

I will make that announcement in the future with hand written paper.

The phase 2 will start only after phase 1 end.

The physical in-person meeting is also available but negotiating via cyber internet first.

Please understand and remember this is for entity who want to create new currency based on my stone rock currency vision. The owner of each currency have full power to control their own currency like the government such as block websites/city, state to use (unless receiving permission or something like that).

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi