It Is The Final Moment, Final Choice For All Of You: Go With The Savior Or Go Against

It Is The Final Moment, Final Choice For All Of You: Go With The Savior Or Go Against

After revealing, sharing all of the best possible solutions, plans, strategist to help this civilization especially in 2 most critical subject: financial/economy and human development evolution, I think it is final time for all of you to pick choice: either go with me (a self claimed savior) or go against me.

It is also the last time I seeking support from the rest of you before making my own decision of what I should going to do next.

For any of you who pick go against me, do not sending me all the support while you can then I am not going to accept any of you in the future, no matter what happen !

If cannot receive support from mortal realm then I am going to disconnect and won’t be on your team anymore. Instead, I am going to play with high level beings/entities/deities.

I have spent a lot of time to “slow down” my personal physical evolution to finding/searching/crafting all the best possible ideas, vision, solution for the mortal realm already.
The time is up since I have found all the best possible answer.

But if the top leaders of this mortal realm do not recognize me, do not want to try, to invest in my idea/vision then the only reason is they are the evil forces and need to be eliminated !

I will make my final announcement within the next couple of days.

All of you are still having some times left to choose wisely.
I cannot wait any longer for various reasons.

It is either go with me or go against me, no other choice !

Thank You,
The Savior Vision Bodhi