I The Messiah Will Take A Big Break From September 2024 If Cannot Find Investor Who Support My World Peace Plan

I The Messiah Will Take A Big Break From September 2024 If Cannot Find Investor Who Support My World Peace Plan

It been a very long journey.
I the Messiah have done most of my hidden duty by providing many possible solution, strategy for this civilization.

I have done the most difficult job of creation, providing new unique idea, vision, wisdom that never exist in the history to all of you.
Now it is totally up to the rest of you in this civilization to decide whether or not believe in me, believe in that vision.

I do not find any reason to do everything alone by myself without investor because if I have enough money to start my own big startup like normal business then I would not find any reason, motivation to do so. And another reason is I am not living alone in this world.

My deadline is this month of August 2024.
If I cannot find any investor who support my world peace plan for the next 7 days then I will going to take a big break from the internet and from this civilization.

Because it would be more easier for other high level deities to come, to destroy all of you so you guys can realize your sin, your stupid mistake of ignoring the Messiah completely.

When that occur, most likely the nuclear war and/or mega natural disaster will happen.

I do not know the specific dates but it is going to from as early as September 1st 2024.

Whether I am going to return to talk with you from the internet or not in the future, I am not sure but most likely won’t since I don’t see any reason nor motivation to do so. This big break will last as little as 2 weeks at least and could be permanent forever.

If you cannot contact me via the internet, then you should try the mobile phone and physical in-person meeting which I have revealed my personal communication information already. But I am not guaranteed though I will check and read message after my deadline.

I am not threatening but just a straight forward warning and message to all of you from this civilization since I do not hold any nuclear button or anything like that.

Feel free to send/forward this important message to all world leaders, military group, royal families, clans, organizations.

Thank You Very Much
The Messiah

Do not surprise if mega event occur in near future with the interfere of many high level deity beings !
Many God beings only waiting for my final decision and choice !

Once I made the decision, it won’t revert, whoever do not want to enter my “way” (via direct support me) now won’t able to receive second chance latter !
That is my way of life.

The Messiah