Reasons Why Real Legal Private Currency Is The Only Way To End The Financial War

Reasons Why Real Legal Private Currency Is The Only Way To End The Financial War

If you do not want to trade with USD, Euro, Yen, Yuan, Rub, etc. and also do not want to trade with gold, silver, copper, etc.
The only option left is via a new international currency created by private entity but will be secretly owned by many big nation at the same time.

It cannot be formed/created by official national government because it is unnatural since they already issue their local national fiat money paper.

But the only way for any non-Government currency to be exist is it must not “clash” with the current government currency and it must be officially accepted by the governments via law !

The only way to make that occur is using my special “currency label” tactic. Only by doing that, the government can have valid natural reason to accept, to recognize, to make it into law and also the public people can understand and able to separate between the currency made by the government authority vs currency made by non-GOV entity.

What the government could make law with the private currency ?
– They can make law like: remove all the VAT tax for payment made by “private currency” in order to promote the fairness between “low level” vs “high level” person in the society.

– They can set a percentage of minimum and maximum amount each “private currency” can be used in each industry.

– Nations can accept new private currency(s) (that owned, managed by an international company that have all the persons from all core nations) for the international transaction business.


But in order to make that happen, you must using my “currency label” tactic so that the private currency can be accepted and people can understand it.

Private currency here mean all people, all entity can able to create currency with their own “dream” but whether that private currency can be accepted by the public, the government, the business, the God, the deity and others, it is another story.

I don’t know whether you can understand my vision, my tactic or not but I think that is the only solution left that can able to end the currency war.

It is completely risk-free to try my method/tactic.

If any entity want to end current world chaos or want to become rich, then just invest in my vision, my tactic.

The Savior Vision Bodhi