My Private Currency Tactic Solve Both The Conflict Between Nations And Within Nation

My Private Currency Tactic Solve Both The Conflict Between Nations And Within Nation

There are two kind of conflict between groups: conflict between nation and conflict within a nation.

Now you can understand: the “winner” team is the one who take completely control of the currency money issued within a nation, while the “runner up” and other loser receive absolutely nothing. Here I mean in term of publicly.

While between each nation, it is always about natural resources and currency war.

Now if you use my special private currency tactic, more people, more groups will able to create, to own official currency which the public people can trust and can use.

It is better to have 10% or 20% rather than 0% !

As of you the “winner” have full 100% of the financial system within a nation.
But once my private currency tactic appear, that percentage will change to 50-60%, while 40-50% will be owned by the remaining “loser” team/organization. Here I mean public and officially in law, no need any secret private agreement.

For the international currency war, with the appear of private currency, you will have multinational companies for that new kind of private currency as well (and could be easier managed and accepted between nation). Thus you do not need to forced to use USD or EURO or Rub or Yuan or Pound or Rupee or anything current national fiat money paper (you still have an option to choose).

I do not know whether you guys gals can understand and accept my special private currency tactic or not but I think that is the best possible way to end the current world conflict around national resources and financial system.

It is just matter of time before my special private currency tactic will be appear to the society (should be appear within few weeks from now unless the evil forces in this world are too much then it will take more time).

It is totally risk-free to try my special tactic too since it only involving with label and policy but nothing else.

Thank You,
The Bodhi