How The New World Financial System Should Be With Private Currencies

How The New World Financial System Should Be With Private Currencies

The current world financial system need a big upgrade.

Throughout the history since ancient time, you already have many small “evolution” and big change in the society such as the appear of monarchy, the appear of monopoly dynasty, the appear of asset currency, paper currency, etc.
And none of them are “compulsory” and able to have big impact forever in the society.
Most of that big feature and entities still exist but their influence are significantly reduce at the moment.

All the current world chaos from Asia to Europe at the moment only have only 1 answer: private currency officially.

I have talked and revealed my thinking, my solution around that subject already.
The current world financial system structure: 100% money issued by the authority government.

The new world financial system with private currency will be: 50% to 60% money issued by the authority government + 40% to 50% private currency issued by any non-GOV entities.

The real % is depend on each nation but the barrier is 50%.

By that structure, the core of this financial system still remain.

Private currency here could be made by the local political parties or group of company or businesses or any individual people but most likely will be the political parties since they are the closest level with the government.

Private currency are just like any video games, they are absolutely pointless meaningless if you cannot make people work !

The rules, the format of private currency are created and made by that owner/creator, does not and cannot have any particular rules.
Here I mean not only digital but also fiat money paper.
How crazy to think a non-GOV currency in money paper could be accept and exist along the GOV currencies ?!
I don’t think any of you have gut to think about that scenario yet.

Private currency are worthless if it not officially accept by the highest level of government authority since most sellers, businesses will never accept any kind of non-GOV currencies except physical assets (have it own value).

But by my special currency label tactic which help the authorities and people to accept and recognize, everything now will be possible and accepted.

Of course, it is totally depend on your level of mindset to agree with my big vision or not.

But to me, that is the only way to end the current world deadly world chaos between groups, nations around financial matter (mostly related to natural resources).

I think if you do not try my solution then it will be 100% of mega disaster such as nuclear war since there is no other choice left. And the survival will wake up and recognize that they must try my private currency tactic.

It is better try it now than later !

It is a real evolution in the society !

Thank You,
The Messiah

With my private currency solution, the “level of playing field” between all nations will be the same because that is where both the “rich” and “poor” natural resources nation are on the same floor since now they can create a real fiat money without any kind of resources backed (50% total).

Welcome to a new real economy war between not only nations but also between all political parties around the globe !

I can foresee that future but whether you can or not, it is totally up to all of you.
It could occur this year or next year or others (totally depend on the actions from the rest of you from this civilization).

No matter what God appear, the only way to end the current world chaos conflict is by making new real public product service (no any hidden secret agreement between any entities).

Do not listen to any fake master, fake listen, stupid entities or any kind of spiritual teacher, fortune teller, etc. most of them was/are deceiving many of you !

That is the truth of life.

Just try, just test my solution in the public then you will know that “I am the real Messiah” that all of you was/are looking for !

Thank You,
The Messiah