I The Savior Looking For A Public Contest To Share My Final Full Economy Finance System

I The Savior Looking For A Public Contest To Share My Final Full Economy Finance System

Without support, connection, request from real entities from this civilization, I the Savior Legend cannot release it my final full economy financial system to this society even in the read only-mode.

My final summary product/solution for the global currency trade war of my works last 8-9 years (since 2017), if calculate since the day I interested in the Global Currency Reset even then it is probably 10 years.

My instinct telling me that I MUST stop and waiting for the better timeline, wait more.
Feeling say no.
Logical say no.
Real life proof, experience say no.

Then it is non-sense for me to share everything I have to all of you even just in the read-only mode.

Therefore, I the Savior legend really looking for a public contest, competition about the solution to end the economy currency trade war.
I really looking for official stage.

If I was the leader of nations that involve and want to end economy, currency war, I would probably spend and create that big bounty contest, competition because it cost nothing to create those even, you only pay when the idea/solution really work !

But the level of useless, stupids of those current leaders, rulers and many entities, groups are off the chart.

I the Savior legend can only hope and wait now.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name