I Will Personally Write Each Franchise Paper To All Entity Who Obtain A Legal Permission Of My Stone Rock Currency Concept

I Will Personally Write Each Franchise Paper To All Entity Who Obtain A Legal Permission Of My Stone Rock Currency Concept

Hi everyone,
Since I have set a specific date to allow all entities (except those in my blacklist) able to use my stone rock currency concept for free in the future.

Therefore, in order to give some kind of benefit & advantage to those who was and will obtain my franchise permission, I will then personally write each franchise paper. There will be only 24 hand written papers (represent 24 slots).

All that entity will have the choice of either receiving that special paper or not.
A digital and video version will be sent for you to put it on your website.
While for physical paper, you can receive it directly from me only (I do not want use any “courier” but only via physical in-person meeting only for maximum security).

There will be 2 type of franchise acceptance with the time frame:
– Verbal franchise permission: only after you send me full the requirement. This will allow to create your own new digital currency based on my stone rock currency concept.

– Physical hand written paper: only after you publish/release your digital currency to the public/society. Depend on each case, the time may be different but will within the 60 days. Because I want to make sure the project are real, “clean” and meeting my personal standard requirement.

I hope that is a clear message for all of you.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi